Thursday, 8 April 2010

Blink and you'll miss 'em: new location

The Black Cat WAS now located at 100 Walcot Street, Bath, BA1 5BG, in the former home of Ethos Cafe; though, as we lost our defence against B&NES' possession order on the morning of Thursday the 15th, we probably won't be here for long! We have a lovely shop front, though other space is limited, housing the Bath FreeShop, the infoshop, notice board, free tea and coffee, and the Really Radical Lending Library - more info on this to appear soon. We are open every day 11am-7pm, and if you're in the area, we'd love to meet you (particularly if you're interested enough to volunteer some time). We also have a bit of a wishlist at the moment, as furnishings and material goods are sparse:

arm chair
large sauce pans
gas cylinder
portable electric oven
books for Lending Library
corkboard notice boards
shelving - free standing or units
DVD projector (ha ha)

If you can provide any of this, it will be gladly received, and we'll sure our appreciation in our own special ways!

Also, if you have any ideas for classes, workshops, events, or know of anyone that can make use of our space, please don't hesitate to get in touch!